Gold Beach Chiropractic | Dr. Jen Wilhelm, DC


You should be able to breathe with ease. It is not normal to have congestion or infections. You don’t have to.


Sinus congestion and allergies are common conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. Sinus congestion occurs when the nasal passages become inflamed and swollen, making it difficult to breathe through the nose. Allergies, on the other hand, are caused by the body’s immune system overreacting to a particular substance, such as pollen or dust. The symptoms of allergies can include sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and congestion.

While there are many treatments available for sinus congestion and allergies, most of them only provide temporary relief. Medications such as antihistamines and decongestants can help alleviate symptoms, but they don’t address the underlying cause of the problem. This is where Nasal Specific Technique comes in.



Nasal specific is a unique specialty adjustment that is uncommon to find in your average chiropractic office. It is a master adjustment for the brain and nervous system. Because you are using a small balloon to open up the sinuses, which actually adjust the sphenoid bone in the middle of the brain. This adjustment causes a myriad a very positive effects to the entire cranial nervous system. Primarily it helps with the ease of breathing through opening of the nasal passages, as well as an increased boost of immunity. One patient even said that they had vertigo. Any time that they walked up any rung of stairs when they were working as a contractor. With one treatment, the vertigo is gone. I am confident that needs a specific and help you in all the ways that you need. It’s also extremely helpful for difficulty breathing and snoring in bed.


Are you tired of constantly battling sinus congestion and allergies? Do you feel like you’ve tried every medication and treatment option out there with little to no relief? Look no further than Gold Beach Chiropractic’s Nasal Specific Technique. This revolutionary treatment offers a non-invasive, drug-free solution to sinus congestion and allergies. By targeting the root cause of your symptoms, rather than just masking them with medication, Nasal Specific Technique provides long-lasting relief and improved overall health. 

Nasal Specific Technique is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment that targets the root cause of sinus congestion and allergies. It works by realigning the bones in the skull, specifically the bones of the nasal passages. When these bones are misaligned, it can cause the nasal passages to become blocked, leading to congestion and other symptoms.

During a Nasal Specific Technique session, the chiropractor will use gentle pressure to realign the bones in the skull. This is done using a small balloon that is inserted into the nasal passages. The balloon is then inflated, which helps to realign the bones and improve the flow of air through the nasal passages. The process is painless and typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete.

With the help of our skilled chiropractors, you can finally say goodbye to the constant discomfort and frustration of sinus issues. Don’t let allergies and congestion control your life any longer – book your appointment for Nasal Specific Technique at Gold Beach Chiropractic today.



During a Nasal Specific Technique session, you can expect to lie down on a comfortable table. The chiropractor will then insert a small balloon into your nasal passages. The balloon will be inflated, which helps to realign the bones in the skull. You may feel some pressure or discomfort during the procedure, but it should not be painful.

After the session, you may experience some mild discomfort or soreness in your nasal passages. This is normal and should go away within a few hours. You should also avoid blowing your nose or engaging in any strenuous activities for a few hours after the session.



Are you tired of constantly battling sinus congestion and allergies? Do you feel like you’ve tried every medication and treatment option out there with little to no relief? Look no further than Gold Beach Chiropractic’s Nasal Specific Technique. This revolutionary treatment offers a non-invasive, drug-free solution to sinus congestion and allergies. By targeting the root cause of your symptoms, rather than just masking them with medication, Nasal Specific Technique provides long-lasting relief and improved overall health. 

Nasal Specific Technique is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment that targets the root cause of sinus congestion and allergies. It works by realigning the bones in the skull, specifically the bones of the nasal passages. When these bones are misaligned, it can cause the nasal passages to become blocked, leading to congestion and other symptoms.

During a Nasal Specific Technique session, the chiropractor will use gentle pressure to realign the bones in the skull. This is done using a small balloon that is inserted into the nasal passages. The balloon is then inflated, which helps to realign the bones and improve the flow of air through the nasal passages. The process is painless and typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete.

With the help of our skilled chiropractors, you can finally say goodbye to the constant discomfort and frustration of sinus issues. Don’t let allergies and congestion control your life any longer – book your appointment for Nasal Specific Technique at Gold Beach Chiropractic today.



Traditional allergy treatments, such as medications and allergy shots, only provide temporary relief from symptoms. They do not address the underlying cause of the problem, which is often related to misaligned bones in the skull. Nasal Specific Technique, on the other hand, provides long-lasting relief by realigning the bones and improving the flow of air through the nasal passages.

Another benefit of Nasal Specific Technique is that it is non-invasive and drug-free. This means that there are no side effects or risks associated with the treatment. It is also a quick and painless procedure, which means that you can return to your daily activities immediately after the session.

Why choose Gold Beach Chiropractic for Relief From Sinus Congestion?

Gold Beach Chiropractic is a trusted provider of Nasal Specific Technique in the Gold Beach area. We have years of experience in performing this procedure and have helped countless patients find relief from their sinus symptoms. We use only the latest techniques and equipment to ensure that you receive the best possible care.

In addition to Nasal Specific Technique, we offer a wide range of chiropractic services to help improve your overall health and well-being. We believe in taking a holistic approach to healthcare, which means treating the whole person, not just the symptoms.