Find your strength, inside & thrive

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There are several different important things that need to be done immediately after a concussion or whiplash. Many times people are in shock, and they have no idea that they actually have a concussion or whiplash. It’s usually three months to six months later when people start to have issues with their neck & headaches, other parts of the body, difficulty sleeping, anxiety and so forth. It’s not something to take lightly.


Herniated discs are more common than you may believe. In fact, 80% of them are asymptomatic. It’s only when they become symptomatic that we freak out and think that we need surgery. It might experience nine out of 10 times, people do not need surgery. What they need is Chiropractic. When they flare up, it can be excruciating and painful, but we can help.


Sinus congestion and allergies are common conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. Sinus congestion occurs when the nasal passages become inflamed and swollen, making it difficult to breathe through the nose. Medications such as antihistamines and decongestants can help alleviate symptoms, but they don’t address the underlying cause of the problem. This is where Nasal Specific Technique comes in.


Plantar fasciitis is an issue with your lower back. There have been potentially decades of stress on the biomechanical train of your leg. You see, your feet, have 26 bones, each one of those bones have to articulate easily with each other every time you take a step. If any of those bones are locked up, it’s gonna cause abnormal stress going upward.


In my experience, knee problems are caused by a long-term problem with your lower back or your feet. Either you sprained your lower back at some point or your ankle and it’s causing stress and strain on the knee. You see, the muscles of her thigh are controlled by the nerves of the lower back. If there’s abnormal firing of the nerves and muscles will fire abnormally, some of them will atrophy.


Chiropractic care is not only safe but essential during pregnancy! We use a technique called the Webster Approach to balance the structures of the pelvis, so the you & baby have the least invasive delivery possible. We specialize in turning breech babies!


Birth is a very intense and often times traumatic experience. The levels of stress hormones that flow through an infants body at the time of birth, is equivalent to an adult, having a heart attack! Often times, structural stress occurs even in the most perfectly delivery. There’s definitely stress and trauma to the neck if C-section was performed. It’s essential that a child gets checked immediately after birth, so that proper growth and feeding occurs. If your infant is fussy, it is not actually normal.


The average child falls 1000 times before they become an adult. You once were a child! You’ve had thousands of micro accidents by the time you are fully grown. All of these times are times where injuries occur and tension patterns are set. It’s better to get your child adjusted as they grow, if not it will likely cause problems for them later on.


Sciatica is often times misdiagnosed and is caused from a chronic issue of being out of alignment in your lower back. There is a pressure on your nerves that caused pain down your legs. Simply, with chiropractic care, the nerves are less agitated, and pinched and sciatica simply disappears


Fibromyalgia is often triggered by an event that causes physical stress or emotional (psychological) stress. Possible triggers include: a serious injury, such as after a car accident. an infection, such as Epstein-Barr virus or Lyme disease. Chiropractic greatly decreases the intensity of the symptomatic states of fibromyalgia.


Headaches and migraines are usually from a structural or a hormonal imbalance. Both of these issues are greatly reduced from ongoing chiropractic care. It is often times after one adjustment of patient says that their headache is gone even while they’re in the office.

"I love her, and am so grateful for the adjustments. Dr Jen is an amazing chiropractor, who gives awesome care. Glad to have chiropractor care during my pregnancy as well."


Connecting you with your solution.


What are your health goals?

We help people transform their health. This is a process. It starts with what you want.

And, If you just want one adjustment and to be on your way, that's great too!


Personalized guidance.

Every step of the way, we are there to organically provide exactly what you uniquely need to obtain your goals.


Ongoing Support.

Once you're out of pain, there will be many other facets of your health and life that you will want to focus on and we will be there to support you. That will also include the wellness of your family and loved ones.

Let us help you cure yourself & live the life you dream of.

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